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  • A legendary black tea made from buds and young leaves, giving it a sweet and gentle flavour.

Golden Monkey Black Tea


Product Description

A legendary black tea made from buds and young leaves, giving it a sweet and gentle flavour.  This is a very well known back tea prized for its sweet flavours. The tea has been compared to Silver Needle because of the high ratio of buds to leaves. The large number of buds and the age of the leaves are what give Golden Monkey its signature sweetness. The taste is a masterful mix of fruit like sweetness, with nutty and floral undertones.

Region: ZhengHe, Fujian Province, China

Other Names: Jin Hou Cha

Steeping Guide:

Teaware: Glass or ceramic Gaiwan

Amount: 3g /1½ teaspoons

Temperature: 100°c (212°F)

Steeping Time: 1 to 2 minutes for the first two steeps and 3 to 5 minutes for the third and fourth.

*These steeping directions are for a traditional Gong Fu style tea, if you are brewing this tea in a regular cup we recommend steeping for 2 – 3 minutes. This tea can also been steeped 4 times.


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